Navigating Cold and Flu Season: Tips for 2024

Navigating Cold and Flu Season: Tips for 2024

Posted by Your Discount Chemist on 20th May 2024

As the leaves change colour and the air turns crisp, it's a telltale sign that cold and flu season is upon us. While this time of year brings festive cheer and cozy moments, it also brings an increase in illness-causing germs. But fear not! With the right precautions and care, you can breeze through the winter months without succumbing to the sniffles. Here's your guide to navigating cold …
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Why You Should Get Your Flu Shot Today

Why You Should Get Your Flu Shot Today

Posted by Your Discount Chemist on 6th May 2024

As the seasons change, so does our susceptibility to seasonal illnesses like the flu. With the cooler months settling in, now is the perfect time to prioritize your health by getting vaccinated against influenza. At Your Discount Chemist, we understand the importance of staying healthy, which is why we're pleased to announce that flu vaccinations are now in stock across all our store locations in …
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Simplify Your Medications with a Webster-Pak

Simplify Your Medications with a Webster-Pak

Posted by Your Discount Chemist on 6th May 2024

Managing multiple medications can be a daunting task, especially for those with complex medication regimes or caregivers responsible for administering medications to others. Fortunately, there's a solution that streamlines the process and ensures medication adherence: The Webster-Pak.What is a Webster-Pak?A Webster-Pak is a comprehensive medication management system designed to simplify the way me …
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Openpay no longer a payment option

Openpay no longer a payment option

Posted by Your Discount Chemist on 13th Feb 2023

Australian buy now, pay later operator Openpay has gone bankrupt. Therefore Openpay is no longer a payment option on our website. Customers will no longer be able to use Openpay for new purchases, but those with outstanding balances will still need to pay the remainder of their debt. Any queries can continue to be directed to the usual Openpay channels by phoning 1300 168 359 or emaili …
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