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We’re Franchising!

Really? Why? Well, the answer is simply one word…


Passion for what we’ve created. Our Brand, and the 20 to 25 years of work that has gone into creating, building, testing, rejecting, and implementing the systems that represent our Brand today…Your Discount Chemist.

Passion for our industry and our communities. We are pharmacists…we care for and love the people we interact with every day. We care about their health and their wellbeing…and we know that their physical wellbeing plays a huge role in their mental health and the quality of their lives.

And a passion for small business. We are small business owners. We constantly live the fast-moving challenges small business owners and operators face, and we have built a way of meeting those challenges head on…by being agile and nimble, and with systems and processes that work for you, the small business owner in our evolving and crucial sector.

Truth be told, we know we’ve created something wonderful, and we simply want to share it with you. It can adapt easily, it provides genuine value, and it works!

If you are interested in meeting or talking to us about a franchising opportunity, please contact our Business Development Manager directly or fill out the contact form.

Tod O'Connor
M: 0419 745 600
E: [email protected]